Welcome to Persona Clix!

The home of reliable and eco-friendly web hosting services.


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Triple-Copy Redundancy

Your data is replicated three times at no additional cost to you to help protect against a system failure causing data loss. Note this is not the same as a backup and will not protect against user error.

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Daily Off-Site Backups

For disaster recovery purposes, we store a backup of your entire hosting account in a separate facility, which you can access at any time. It is still recommended to maintain your own backups for your own peace of mind.

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  • Web Hosting
  • Starting at...
  • 1 GB Storage
  • Unlimited Email Accounts/Forwarders
  • Unlimited Addon/Sub/Parked Domains
  • cPanel Control Panel
  • Friendly Support
  • Get In Touch
  • VPS Hosting
  • Starting at...
  • 1 vCPU Core
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 10 GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • 1 TB Data Transfer Allowance
  • Unmanaged

All services include free access to ClixPanel, custom-made in-house software.


Want more information about the services offered, or simply want to say hello? Reach out via email today!